
Proposal Process and Content Development

Proposals can be challenging to develop and manage because of the many activities that need to come together under very tight delivery schedules – It is hard to develop them overnight!

  • We apply a disciplined and proactive approach to proposal process and content development so that teams to not have to start from scratch every time a solicitation arrives.
  • We provide a common set of processes, artifacts, and tailored content to empower teams– most domain experts have day jobs.
  • We design before we build and provide past performance and resume profiles, pre-written solution write-ups, and proposal plans ready to be placed into the proposal.
  • We build the process based on user needs and expectations.
  • We train the workforce to socialize the process and foster increased collaboration among domain experts.
  • We automate the process into workflows and tools that are easy to use, collaborative, and maintain version control.

To know more about the solutions and services offered please contact our Proposal Development Team at info@orangesofttech.com |